Toll and parking charges extra
Toll and parking charges extra
Toll and parking charges extra
Toll and parking charges extra
The Haidargarh - Sultanpur Rd takes you from Haidargarh to Lucknow, covering approximately 52 kilometers and taking 1 Hr 5 Min. Compared to a variety of car types like Innova, Dzire, Etios, Indigo, Sedan, SUVs, or other luxury cars. Best offers for Haidargarh to Lucknow one-way or round trip AC or non-AC Cabs booking. Choose upgraded facilities with the available Haidargarh to Lucknow cabs for easy cab booking.
Vehicle Type | Model | Rate/KM (Round Trip) | Fare (One Way) | Seating Capacity | Laggage Capacity |
Dzire | Swift Dzire | Starts from ₹11/KM | 1650 | 4+1 | 3 |
Jaurney Details | Information |
Route | Haidargarh - Sultanpur Rd |
Time Duration | 1 Hr 5 Min |
Per km/Charge | ₹11 |
Distance | 52 KM |
Cab Type | Dzire |
Fuel Type | Diesel, CNG |
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Chiku Cabs provides reliable Dzire cab service from Haidargarh to Lucknow which are available to hire at any time.
Chiku Cabs provides transparent billing which ensures best prices with no hidden charges.
There are no extra kilomenter charges if the Haidargarh to Lucknow Dzire Cab service extends a few miles.
Chiku Cabs understands that there could be sudden last minutes changes to the plan due to unaccounted circumstances, that's why there are no cancelation charges included.
The price of Dzire cab is ₹11/- per km.
2. What if I require extra luggage space in my ride?Dzire cab has proper space to keep luggage of a small travel group easily.
3. Can I do bulk booking of Dzire cabs?Yes, the Dzire cab can also be hired in bulk for various travel purposes.
4. How to book a Dzire cab with Chiku Cabs?To get started, download the Chiku Cabs mobile app, provide pickup and contact details, select the Dzire cab, and then simply make payment for the ride.
5. Do I need to carry any ID proof to avail cab services of Chiku Cabs?Yes, it is mandatory to carry an ID proof in order to verify the booking at the time of pickup.
6. How can I find the best cab booking offers and deals?Get all the exciting deals on the cab booking with the Chiku Cabs mobile app.
7. Can I book a one-way Dzire cab from Haidargarh to Lucknow?Yes, one-way outstation Dzire cab is available to hire from Haidargarh to Lucknow.
8. How much does a Dzire fare from Haidargarh to Lucknow?The Dzire cost would be around ₹1650 from Haidargarh to Lucknow.
9. What is the travel distance from Haidargarh to Lucknow?The distance from Haidargarh to Lucknow is 52 km.
10. Are toll charges included in taxi charges from Haidargarh to Lucknow?Yes, toll charges are included in the total fare price.